Hello readers!
Our latest subject is perfect for the hot weather and even better for your house!
In this blog I will show how you can change a tired looking driveway into something that looks brand new. Be it tarmac, block paving, imprinted concrete or whatever you may have at your house, we have a solution for you!

The Process
Obviously the first thing you need to do to when rejuvenating any sort of hard surface is cleaning.
You have a few different options when it comes to cleaning but the best for driveways is using a pressure washer. This ensures that you get all of the dirt, weeds and algae off the drive. You may want to use a Hard Surface Cleaner to help with the process as well.
Once the cleaning is done and the driveway has dried out you can put the first coat of sealer down. This can be applied by airless sprayer or a medium/long pile roller.
Again, depending on the type of surface you have a few options on what sealer you can use. The options 4Earth Cleaning Supplies offer are both solvent based and water based. It really does just depend on the application and we can advise you on this.
After the first coating of sealer has dried in you can then sand the cracks of the paving stones, bricks etc. Remember, this isn't necessary on some surfaces, e.g. tarmac or imprinted concrete.
Finally you can add the second coat of sealer using the same process as above....and you're done!
The Results
The images in the following slides demonstrate the great results 'The 4Earth Cleaning Service' have had on driveways.
The '4Earth Cleaning Service' are available to quote or advise on your driveways or any other external cleaning requirements. Call 0191 567 0300 or email us using the contact form on this website for more information.
Thanks for reading!